React Query Rewind

Empower your debugging with React Query Rewind - a Chrome DevTool extension designed to seamlessly time travel through state along with an intuitive visualization of your component hierarchy.

Available for React, Svelte, & Vue

View State Changes over Time

Step 1

Select the queries you'd like to monitor

Step 2

View state changes as you modify your app

Step 3

Use the slider and arrow buttons to navigate to a particular state snapshot you'd like to inspect

View State Differences over Time

Step 1

Select the Diff Toggle

Step 2

See state differences as you update your app and use the slider and arrow buttons to navigate to a particular Diff you'd like to inspect

Step 3

Toggle Show/Hide Unchanged Properties to customize your view

Update the UI to Reflect Previous State

Step 1

Select the time travel icon

Step 2

Adjust the slider to see the UI reflect the particular state you've selected

Step 3

Press the play button to see your UI and state update over time

Visualize Your React Components

Step 1

Select the Component Tree tab

Step 2

Toggle Start Profiling and click into your UI

Step 3

Update your UI and watch your components update

React Query Rewind

React Query Rewind is a powerful DevTool for time-traveling state changes. This open-source extension is tailored to improve debugging applications built with React Query

Improve Development Velocity

React Query is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool to manage server state. However, it's dev tools were fairly limited. Until now

Use React Query Rewind to:

  • View state changes over time
  • View the difference in state over time
  • Visualize your component hierarchy

Getting Started

React Query Rewind's Easy Set-Up

Install the NPM Package

Package located here

  • Install ReactQueryRewind as a dev dependency with npm i -D react-query-rewind
  • Import the ReactQueryRewind component into the same file where your QueryClientProvider is initialized
  • Place the ReactQueryRewind component inside your QueryClientProvider

Install the Chrome Extension

Download the extension here

  • Open the Dev Tools
  • Find the React Query Rewind tab

Meet the Team

Austin's Image
Austin Cavanagh
Software Engineer
Emma's Image
Emma Teering
Software Engineer
John's Image
John Dunn
Software Engineer
Rui's Image
Rui Fan
Software Engineer